Skills Engineering Managers Need To Be Successful

Engineering Managers

Engineering managers have to walk a fine line between balancing the technical considerations of their projects with the business objectives of their organization. There are several approaches managers can take to balance these needs, and they all involve clear and open communication with all stakeholders. It is imperative that the team and others involved in the project understand what the objectives are and also feel that they are able to voice their concerns if they notice any issues that may conflict with the successful completion of the project.

Working closely with their teams to ensure they have a good understanding of the project’s technical requirements and goals, engineering managers need to involve their technical teams in discussions about business objectives so that they can see how their work fits into the bigger picture. It is key for an engineering manager to possess certain skills so they can engage their teams and succeed in completing their projects. These skills include effective communication, technical skills, problem-solving, project management, and other important abilities.


Communicating effectively is one of the most important skills any manager can have, regardless of the industry. Miscommunication can cause costly mistakes that can affect all areas of a project and put it at risk of not being completed on time or within budget. Whether they are communicating objectives to one person or an entire room of stakeholders, engineering managers need to be able to speak to everyone in a clear and concise manner and verify that the message has been received.

Managers need to understand that communication is a two-way street, be open to team members expressing their concerns or ideas, and sincerely take them into consideration. It involves putting ego aside and accepting that someone may come up with a way of performing a task that is better for the organization’s objectives.

Open communication also allows for easier conflict resolution and problem-solving. A good manager knows when to get involved with a conflict within the team and when to let those involved solve it on their own. By creating an atmosphere of open communication, successful engineering managers can see their teams learn to solve problems on their own and deal with issues before they become unmanageable.

Verbal, written, and visual communication should all be skills that an engineering manager possesses, and they should also encourage their teams to engage in the same. Some people are better at receiving verbal instructions, while others prefer the visual stimuli a graph or chart can provide. Engineering managers need to learn how to best communicate with each member of their team so everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Technical skills

In order for an engineering manager to communicate effectively with engineers, knowledge of engineering is expected. When managers have technical knowledge, they are able to communicate with their teams on a different level and can explain how certain technological solutions can or can’t work with the organization’s objectives. The ability to strategize with team members on their level also helps with building trust and respect within the team and makes managing tasks much easier.


Strong communication and technical skills are exactly what an effective team leader needs to solve problems. By creating an atmosphere of open communication and having the necessary knowledge to understand what the problem is, a good engineering manager can collaborate with their team to come up with solutions to problems quickly and effectively. This type of collaborative environment also ensures that problems will not be swept under the rug for fear of reprisal but are brought to someone’s attention immediately before they become unmanageable. Engineers will often turn to managers for advice or guidance, and the ability to problem-solve can help build respect and trust, which creates a better team environment.

Project management skills

Engineering managers need project management skills because they are responsible for coordinating and overseeing engineering projects from start to finish. They need to ensure that the projects are completed on time and within budget and meet the required quality standards. Project management skills are essential for engineering managers, as they need to plan, execute, and monitor the progress of the project, as well as ensure that all stakeholders, including engineers, customers, suppliers, and other team members, are aligned and updated.

Project management skills are crucial when dealing with a project team in engineering. This area includes all aspects of a task from start to finish, including budgets, resource allocation, assigning tasks, delegating, and coordinating everything to ensure that budgetary and timeline goals are met.

Engineering managers also need to have a thorough knowledge of the project and the ability to stay organized and on point. This also includes knowing when to allocate resources to a specific area of the project that may be falling behind or investigating why one area is over budget.

Learning the project management side of the engineering industry comes in handy when trying to decide the differences between engineering vs management. Accredited schools like the University of Ottawa can provide individuals who have an interest in both fields with a flexible schedule to get their master’s in engineering management. Online courses are the perfect choice for professionals who need to continue working while furthering their education.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an individual’s ability to understand and use emotions in a positive and productive way. This type of intelligence is very useful at stressful times when there may be a large problem that has been revealed or during a conflict between co-workers. Emotionally intelligent managers are able to take a breath and diffuse their own emotions in order to deal with the issue at hand in an objective and empathetic manner. This shows the team that their leader is sensitive to their emotions and guides them through these difficult situations. This skill can promote a positive work atmosphere and garner respect and trust. Open communication and the ability to stop talking and just listen to team members show compassion and promote a healthier environment for all members of the team.

Emotional intelligence plays an integral role in engineering management, as it is important for building strong working relationships and ensuring effective communication among team members. As an engineering manager, it’s important to be able to identify emotions in yourself and others and manage them appropriately. By being self-aware and acknowledging emotional triggers, engineering managers can control their emotions in high-pressure situations and remain calm, confident, and focused. It also helps engineering managers build strong relationships with their team members, stakeholders, clients, and other external partners. By identifying the emotions and needs of others, engineering managers can respond appropriately and build trust and respect.

Attention to detail

Attention to detail can range from knowing when to pair two colleagues together because they complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses to noticing an error in a segment of code that no one else noticed. This skill can make a good leader a great one and usually comes with time and experience. By accounting for all the details involved in making a project successful, a good leader can help their team avoid small mistakes that might cost time and money.

Attention to detail is a critical skill for engineering managers, as they are responsible for overseeing complex engineering projects that require a high degree of accuracy and precision. They need to ensure that all work meets the required quality standards and help managers identify errors or deviations from the specifications and take corrective measures to maintain quality.

Accurate management of resources such as budgets and timelines depends on attention to detail. By carefully monitoring the progress of the project and identifying any potential resource constraints, engineering managers can take corrective measures as needed to ensure that the project stays on track.

Ability to delegate

For most engineering projects, it is almost impossible for one person to do everything. It is also impractical to try and manage all aspects of a job because no manager can give every aspect of a project the attention it deserves. There are no doubt members of the team that have extensive experience and can supervise one or more newer engineers. Delegating responsibility gives senior team members the opportunity to taste management and builds confidence. When someone is given extra responsibilities, they usually rise to the task, and it also gives them a greater perspective.

Delegation can also help team members with no experience in the business side of things learn how their decisions can affect the strategic initiatives of the organization and expand their skill sets to include business knowledge. It also frees up time for engineering managers to focus on high-level technical and business goals. By delegating routine tasks to their team, managers can spend more time on strategic planning and decision-making that aligns with broader business objectives.

Delegation ensures that tasks are assigned to team members with the necessary expertise and skills. By effectively delegating, engineering managers can ensure that technical projects are completed successfully while also meeting business goals. It can also increase employee engagement as it provides team members with opportunities to take on new challenges, develop new skills, and feel more involved in the project. This can lead to increased employee motivation and productivity, helping engineering managers achieve their technical and business objectives more effectively.

Time management

Time management is an important quality to have as a manager, and it also provides an opportunity to teach the skill to the rest of the team. By using their time effectively and in the most productive way possible, the team can bring a project to fruition on time and within budget. Time management skills are also an excellent tool to help with the emotional well-being of an individual and reduce the stress and anxiety that come with not having enough hours in the day to get everything done. By developing time management skills, a good engineering manager can use their time more productively to find new and better ways to work.

Effective time management helps engineering managers prioritize tasks, ensuring that they allocate time to technical and business tasks that align with the broader goals of the organization. This ensures that the manager focuses on the most critical tasks first and maximizes their productivity. This skill also enables engineering managers to schedule their work effectively, ensuring that they have enough time to complete tasks that have been prioritized. This enables the manager to work towards both short-term and long-term technical and business goals, ensuring that they meet project objectives within a defined time frame.

Good time management skills enable engineering managers to delegate tasks to subordinates with appropriate expertise and skills, freeing up their time to focus on technical and business goals that require their attention. This is an effective way of balancing the conflicting demands of the technical and managerial aspects of their work. The ability to track and monitor time accurately helps engineering managers reflect on how they have spent their time and how productive they have been. This enables them to make real-time adjustments to their work schedule, prioritization, and delegation, ensuring that they remain on track to achieve their technical and business goals.

Provide feedback

Providing constructive feedback to an engineering team is critical for a good manager to build trust and respect. The team depends on its leader for many things, but one of the most valuable is receiving feedback on a job well done or on improvements that can be made. Feedback is not always about pointing out where deficiencies lie but also celebrating small wins and acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the engineering team.


A successful engineering manager should possess several important skills to lead a team of engineers toward a specific goal. These skills enable a manager to balance the technical needs of a particular project with the business objectives of the organization. With skills such as time management, technical savvy, and project management, a successful manager will have the respect and trust of their team.